Upcoming Events at Fort Phil Kearny and Trail End

Sharie Shada, Site Superintendent at Trail End, the LX Bar Ranch and Fort Phil Kearny State Historic Sites shared several upcoming events at the Trail End and the Fort Phil Kearny sites.
On Sunday, Sept. 18 at 2 p.m., there will be a guided walk and cemetery tour at the fort, led by Fort Phil Kearny Bozeman Trail Association member Spencer Morris. Regular site admission applies to this tour.
On Friday and Saturday, Oct. 7 and 8, Fort Phil Kearny is hosting Full Moon Fort tours again! Visitors in groups of 20 will be led through the fort by lantern light to experience an evening of true stories that are too eerie to make up.

Tours start at 6:30 pm and run every half hour until 9:00 pm. The 6:30 tour will be more kid-friendly, but after that, the true stories told will get more graphic. Tickets are $10 for ages 12 and up, and 11 and under are free. Tickets can be purchased online at or by calling the fort at 307-684-7629.

Trail End is hosting a Grand Home Tour on Saturday, October 8, from 12-4, featuring three private homes in Sheridan, in addition to Trail End. At Trail End, visitors will get to see rarely seen spaces, such as the boiler room, walk-in vault, master bathroom, and musician’s loft. Tickets are $20 each, and proceeds benefit the Trail End Guilds. Tickets are available at