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Trees of Love Donations Support SMH

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For the 31st time, three of the big trees outside of Sheridan Memorial Hospital in Sheridan were adorned with red, green, and white lights and the switch was flipped to turn them on Sunday night. The lights memorialize and honor loved ones with each color representing a different category. Through the event put on by the Hospital’s Auxiliary, funds are raised to support the future of the facility according to Sheridan Memorial’s Development Coordinator Jasmine Slater. 

Jasmine Slater
Hospital CEO Mike McCafferty

Slater explained that each light was reserved for $5 with the white memorializing a deceased loved one, a green light honors a relative or friend, and a red light honors a special child or pet. She said that the Hospital Foundation will ultimately decide how the funds are used in the new year.

Jasmine Slater
Jasmine Slater

Along with having a symbolic light on the tree, a card will be sent to the honoree or family of the memorialized and their name will be inscribed in the “Book of Love,” which will be on display in the hospital lobby during the holidays.There is still time to participate in this years Trees of Love however, anything received from this point will be acknowledged after January 1. To dedicate a Tree of Love light, visit

Guests enjoy Christmas music before the ceremony
The trees are lit!
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