5 days agoon
cvannoyJune – SCSD#2 receives donation
At the Monday, June 10 SCSD#2 Board meeting, David Macalister Senior Vice President, and Dana Anderson of Security State Bank in Sheridan, joined Breean Waller Northeast Regional Director of Wyoming Hunger Initiative, to present SCSD#2 a check for $4,434.19.
Superintendent Scott Stults said this about the donation.
Lunch debt is something all the school systems deal with, but the donation will help the school to offset their food costs.
November – Cell phone use in SCSD#2
Today, nearly everyone has a cell phone, they are invaluable in many instances. Some places where cell phones create more of a problem than a solution. One of these places is in school. SCSD#2 Superintendent Scott Stults, talked about cell phones in schools.
During the past year, Schools in District #2 have enacted a cell phone policy for the students, and Stults explains how it is working for the school year so far.]
That was different from last year, when students could use cell phones in passing periods, lunch, possibly even during class if teachers permitted it. “That is no longer the case,” Stults said.
He said he has shared this with other superintendents across the state and this is a great decision for our kids.
December – Greenhouse Grant
The Sheridan County School District #2 Greenhouse got a boost on Wednesday, December 18, when T-Mobile presented Scott Stults, Superintendent, with a $50,000 Hometown Grant, at a ceremony at the greenhouse. Ivan Ocana, manager of the Sheridan T-Mobile store, presented the check to Stults and Stults talked about how the grant will help to add more produce to the greenhouse.
He said that the horticulture class is learning new ways of growing plants. “Our kids have been an active part of the project.”