Sheridan County Conservation District Tree Program Underway For 2023-24

Those who are festive around the upcoming fall and winter holidays will soon put up their tree, and some will be preparing to plant a few trees next year.
The Sheridan County Conservation District is accepting orders for their annual Conservation Tree Program.
The program provides low-cost conservation seedling trees to Sheridan County residents for conservation practices such as windbreaks, living snow fences, erosion control, and habitat plantings.
Depending on what is ordered, the seedlings will either come from Piney Island Native Plants in Sheridan, or from either 1 of 2 nurseries in Colorado or one out of North Dakota.
Jackie Turner is the program specialist and explains the purpose of the program.
“It’s just that idea of conservation. Getting more trees, we’re looking at wildlife habitat, pollinator habitat and of course other things that people can benefit from. Using it as a snow fence or a wind break.”
Turner adds that last season more than 71-hundred seedlings were ordered from 94 customers, making it the highest number of seedlings sold in one season, since the program started back in 1993.
Click here for more information on how to order.