Application Cycle for HHEB now open

Habitat for Humanity of the Eastern Bighorns Homeowner Application Cycle is now open.
During an appearance on Sheridan Media’s Public Pulse Homeowner Services Specialist Dan Poppel spoke on the application process and invited potential homeowners to contact him and begin the process that has changed so many lives.
D. Poppel
According to HHEB, applicants must currently be living in substandard conditions and have a need for simple, decent housing. Applicants must also have a willingness to partner as Habitat homeowners work in partnership with staff and volunteers and must agree to complete between 200-400 “Sweat Equity” hours based upon the size of the applicant family.
Applicants must also possess a credit report clear of any declared bankruptcies, judgements or foreclosures within the last three years and must have verifiable household income that meets Habitat guidelines.
To learn more, click here and explore the “programs” tab. The Application Cycle will end March 30.