Chamber Legislative Forum

Sheridan County Chamber of Commerce Program Development Director Teresa Detimore and Member Relations Director Bobbi Mitzel made an appearance to announce the upcoming Government Affairs Committee’s annual Legislative Forum.
The Chamber’s Government Affairs Committee will be hosting its annual Legislative Forum in Sheridan at 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 21, in Sheridan City Council Chambers at City Hall, located at 55 Grinnell Plaza.
According to Detimore, the Legislative Forum provides an opportunity for businesses, organizations and individuals to bring topics before a panel of local state legislators prior to the next session of the Wyoming State legislature.
T. Detimore
The Chamber began scheduling the presentation times for this forum on Nov. 1. A limited number of slots are available and they are quickly being filled.
A schedule of presentations will be announced prior to the event. The forum is open to the public. To schedule a presentation time or for additional information, contact Karen Myers at the Chamber at 672-2485 or