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Buffalo City Works, Project Engineer Give Updates on Projects

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The Buffalo City Council was given updates on the Buffalo Wells Project and the Sunset Avenue Project by City Works Director Kevin Silbernagel and Project Engineer Brent Bennett during their last meeting.

Silbernagel said street crews had been busy repairing potholes and street cuts as well as other damaged areas on city streets.

He said they have done a lot of work but still have much to do in that department.

He gave the council the latest information on the Wells Project.

The project has already seen the drilling of the wells, and all that remains is the construction of the pipeline from the existing wells to the city’s water treatment plant.

Project Engineer Brent Bennett, with Nelson Engineering, also gave the latest on the Sunset Avenue Project.

He said the project should soon start to look like a road again instead of a giant pile of dirt.

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