1 year agoon
cvannoyAt a work session preceding the Wednesday, Jan. 10 SCSD#3 School Board meeting, the SCSD#3 trustees met with representatives from Bennett, Weber and Hermstad, LLP, to discuss the audit.
Ryan Gemar of the firm talked to the board about the audio.
The board voted to approve the audit as presented.
In the board’s administrative reports, activities director Jennifer Betz reported that the high school coaches had open gym over the Christmas break and five boys and five girls attended the open gym, which Betz said was ‘pretty good.’
She also talked about how much interest there is this year in Junior High Boys basketball
Betz added that the team will travel to Dubois this weekend to compete in the Little Six Tournament.
The board voted to advertise, interview and hire an assistant Junior High Basketball coach for 2024. They also approved to call for bids for a service truck and a snowplow to be used for clearing parking lots and various roads as necessary for transportation purposes.
The board voted to approve the resignation of Jay Buhr as maintenance supervisor, and members of the board and superintendent Chase Christensen added that they appreciated his service to the school. The also approved to hire Mike Buss as the new maintenance supervisor, saying he had several good ideas about the maintenance in the school.
The also discussed school policies, and talked about policy reviews, saying that policies should fit Clearmont School. Trustees Trinity Lewis and Karis Prusak will review the policies and report back to the board.
Also discussed was using local beef for the school lunch program. Christensen gave the board an update on the possibility of available state funding for processing donated beef for the program.
He said that the funding from the state would be a match, and the school would have to pay something. Trustee Wade Betz also asked about storage, and Christensen said that they are still working on implementing the program and that would be addressed.
Another topic that was discussed was setting a date for a listening session about the fate of the Arvada Elementary School. Christensen said that there will be a direct mail campaign to community members making them aware of the session.
Betz wondered when the decision would have to be made, and Christensen said they have to make a decision on the fate of the school at the March board meeting. The listening session will be on February 6 at 6:30 p.m., at Clearmont School, and action on the school will be undertaken at the February 14 board meeting.
Christensen reported on the MAP data, saying that Clearmont students were above the national average in Math and Reading.
On going projects under discussion were the fuel depot, tree planting and A/C in the 7-12 classrooms. The board is looking for bids on trees to be planted in the spring.
Next meeting will be on February 14 at 7 p.m.