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JCSD1 Board Votes on Support of WSBA Conference Resolutions

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The Wyoming School Board Association (WSBA) will be having their conference this week, where they will consider a number of Resolutions brought by member districts for discussion.

The Johnson County School Board, during their meeting this week, voted on whether or not to have their voting delegates support the Resolutions during the Delegate Assembly at the conference, as explained by Board Chairperson Jan Johnson.

The Delegate Assembly will consider changing how to simplify increasing or decreasing the size of school boards, which the JCSD1 Board voted to support.

They also voted to supporting increasing the monetary threshold for safety and security expenditures; and voted to support removing obstacles to rehiring retired teachers to fill vacancies within districts.

They gave no recommendation on the proposal to allow direct payment to BOCES from the Wyoming Department of Education instead of through the districts.

To read the Resolutions and their explanations, click on the link below.

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