JCSD1 Board Approves Employment, Isolation Requests

The Johnson County School Board, during their recent regular meeting, approved both the employment and isolation requests presented to them.
Included in the Employment recommendations were Betsy Peterson as music teacher at Meadowlark Elementary School; Terra Berry, business teacher at Kaycee School; Robin Harriet, F/T custodian at Cloud Peak Elementary School;
Billy Zurcher, bus route driver in Buffalo; Gary Lee, bus route driver in Buffalo; Valerie Scarlett, co-drama sponsor at Buffalo High School; Teresa Preisner, co-drama sponsor at BHS, co-marching band sponsor at BHS, band/pep band sponsor at BHS, band sponsor at Clear Creek Middle School; and Valerie Scarlett, co-marching band sponsor at BHS.
Also accepted was the resignation of Tarah Fink, food service assistant at Meadowlark Elementary.
Isolation requests were approved for a number of families in the district, totaling 11 students.
Isolation requests reimburse families for mileage to get their students to the nearest bus stop or into the nearest school if their area does not have school bus service.