Speed Limit Change

A speed limit change to an area near Sheridan High School was an item of consideration Tuesday night at the Sheridan City Council meeting. Sheridan Media’s Ron Richter has the details.
Sheridan resident Don Kollekowski presented a petition to the Sheridan City Council at their August 15 meeting asking for a change in the speed limit on Holly Ponds Drive from 30 mph to 20 mph. The petition was signed by a majority of the property owners along Holly Ponds Drive and adjacent cul-de-sacs. The City Council Tuesday night approved the placement of 20 mph signs on Holly Ponds Drive.
Councilman Clint Beaver proposed an amendment that was ultimately approved by the Council. The following is a brief exchange between Councilman Beaver and Public Works Director Hanns Mercer.
Mercer said the concern of residents in the area is that when high school students are released at lunchtime and in the afternoon, they attempt to circumvent the queue of vehicles at the four-way stop at the intersection of Hill Pond Drive by routing through Holly Ponds Drive.