Paving Operations to Begin on US 14 East of Devils Tower Junction

The Wyoming Department of Transportation and its contractor will begin construction on a ten-mile stretch of US 14 between Sundance and the Devils Tower Junction of US 24 the week of April 11. According to WYDOT, the scope of the project is to install pipe irrigation, repair soft spots, widen shoulders at select locations, add a turning lane at mile marker 196.5, and install a new electrical weather system at mile marker 186. Once these items are completed, the road surface will be milled and repaved and a chip seal surface will be added. Paving is scheduled to begin in mid-June. The project is scheduled to be completed by the end of October.
Motorists will encounter traffic control throughout the length of the project. This will include reduced speed limits, flagging operations, occasional travel lane closures and heavy truck traffic. US 14/US 24 is a primary route to access America’s First National Monument and receives on average of five-hundred thousand visitors a year. Due to this high volume of traffic, WYDOT and its Contractor will be hyper vigilant about maintaining an efficient and safe work zone, and ask all motorists to cooperate with posted speed limits and flagging operations.