4 years agoon
cvannoyDon Julian, Activities Director, introduces champion athletes
Mask Mandate, Student Athletics and Scholarship Recipients were on the agenda on the April SCSD #2 Meeting
Scott Stults presented the eight seniors that received the UW Trustees Scholars award. They are: Megan Hoffmann, Micall Hoopes, Fisher Burris, Tyler Hegy, Marguerite Hubert, Brayden James, Julia Kutz, and Kathryn Moran. All plan to attend UW, and chairman Sue Wilson congratulated the students.
Don Julian, activities director, introduced the SHS wrestling champions, and the indoor track team champions.
Superintendent Craig Dougherty reported on the Smart Start, which is a partnership with Sheridan County Public Health, which is a way of continuing to evaluate the impact of Covid-19. According to Dougherty, Covid-19 cases are holding at low levels prior to spring break. “We are tracking the data and communicating regularly with health officials,” he said. He added that input from parents and staff is important, and that they are evaluating the situation each and every week, but “even though cases are trending downward in the Sheridan area, we do not want to make any rash decisions.” He said the school is looking into dropping the mask mandate for the rest of the school year. However, the school is watching the situation, they are especially concerned that there may be a spike in positive cases due to exposure after spring break.
Over 30 parents, some wearing masks that stated, “Free our Faces” came to speak on lifting the mask mandate at the school. Due to time constraints, the board allowed six of the parents to give three minute speeches stating their views on the matter. Another 20 or so remained outside of the board room.
Concerns raised by the parents including children, especially those who suffer from asthma or croup, complain of trouble breathing while wearing the masks. Students also suffer from bullying, even from teachers, one parent stated, if they take the masks off.
Jeannette Wilcox, parent, said “Students comply out of fear. This mask mandate doesn’t help anyone.”
Nancy Stephens, who has two children in Meadowlark School, added, “This is wearing on our kids.”
Mathers Heuck reported on the John C Schiffer Collaborative School construction and the awarding of bids for furniture for the school. The Friday Flex program was discussed, where students with higher grades can opt to be dismissed early on Fridays, which allows teachers to give extra help to struggling students, was discussed and Scott Stults, Assistant Superintendent, felt the program was a success. “We have seen a reduction of D and F grades with the program,” he said.
The board approved the 2021-2022 school handbook, and discussed the two options for the 2021-22 school calendar.
Melinda Brennan
April 6, 2021 at 11:12 am
It’s about time that parents brought up the excessive use of masks in the school setting.
One of my children was in kindergarten at the time of the Columbine shooting and voiced that she was afraid to go to school! I can only imagine the fear some of these children have.
I also noticed the article said parents were waiting to speak. It should be emphasized that the parents were kept outside the building, in the cold, to wait their turns at speaking. They could’ve been offered spaced waiting IN the warm building!
Sam Grover
April 6, 2021 at 12:16 pm
This has always been the endgame, force children into compliance and then shame them for showing any sign of autonomy. This has been done before and genocide always followed. Always. This is what happens when you have a growing number of people in the community who want to turn it into Boulder and then you put them in school boards and public health offices