John C. Schiffer School Graduation Held on Saturday

The John C. Schiffer Collaborative school graduated 23 students on Saturday May 27. A large crowd packed the Kinnison Hall in the Whitney Center at Sheridan College to see the 2023 graduation.

The National Anthem was sung by Laci Nissen, Molly Magera and Kezi Schaaf. J.C. Schiffer Principal Mike Swan gave the welcome speech and spoke to the students.
The student speakers were Eilidh O’Hare and Sarah Johnson.

O’Hara talked about her teachers, and then talked about where her classmates might go from Schiffer.

Johnson took the stage and talked about the uniqueness of Schiffer school.

The guest speaker, chosen by the students, was Science Teacher Jules Craft. She talked about the stories that students would one day tell, and told some stories of her own, about overcoming fear.
There was a video presentation of the students, and the presentation of the diplomas. Each graduate turned their tassel as they left the podium, signifying moving from high school student to being a graduate.