Book On Henry B. Carrington Now Out

Henry B. Carrington, Reflections of His Life and Times, (1824-1912) is now out. The book has been a year-long journey for JoAnne Puckett member of the Fort Phil Kearny/Bozeman Trail Association, and the others who contributed to the book.
The book talks about Carrington’s life, his Civil War service, and his time at Fort Phil Kearny, as well as his life afterward.

Puckett said “I have been involved with this book for about a year, along with two other very important people, Judy Slack and Sonny Reisch.” She said that Reisch gave a presentation on Carrington in 2022 at the Kearney Hall.
She added that much of what Carrington did has often been misinterpreted until recently, and what happened leading up to the Fetterman fight has often been misunderstood as well.
“This book gives a lot of new information, and some of it has never been published before,” Puckett said.
Puckett said she wanted to thank all the other people who helped with the book, including the people in the Wyoming Room, Dave Mckee, Mary Ellen McWilliams as well as Cynde Georgen who helped with the editing and indexing.
Judy Slack, Vice-President of the Big Horn City Historical Society, who also managed the Wyoming Room at the Sheridan Fulmer Public Library, said this about the books background.
The manuscript was presented to the Sheridan Chamber of Commerce on July 4, 1908, 42 years after the Fetterman battle, when Carrington came to Sheridan as a part of the dedication of the Fetterman Monument near Story, which honors those soldiers who fell in the fight.
She said some of the manuscript is included in the book, and it was what basically brought the editors together to decide to publish the manuscript as a part of a larger, more in depth book on Carrington’s life.

Sonny Reisch, historian and retired curator and superintendent at Fort Phil Kearny for 25 years, said he had been there a little bit longer than Carrington. (Carrington was there for six months)
He added that Carrington was born in 1824, and lived to be 88 years old, so only a tiny portion of his life was spent at Fort Phil Kearny. Reisch added
Mary Ellen McWilliams, advisor to the Fort Phil Kearny board and founding member of the FPK/BTA, said that Puckett put in over 500 hours on the book. Judy Slack put in many hours as well. McWilliams added that Helen Graham gets a lot of credit for her interest in preserving Wyoming’s history.
Puckett added that she wanted to give Bob Wilson, historian, artist and retired curator at Fort Phil Kearny, a big thank you for the cover art.
Dave McKee, president of the FPK/BTA said about the book,
“I was also pleased to support the partnership between Big Horn City, Wyoming room and FPT/BTA, it goes to show when people get together and work as a team they can have a really nice outcome.”
He said he was proud of the work these people did to bring out this book.
Reisch added.
The large format book is filled with history, photographs, Carrington’s maps, “Carrington was an incredible cartographer,” Puckett said, and there is much to interest any student of western and military history.

The book can be purchased in either hardcover or paperback, and it is currently available for purchase at the Fort Phil Kearny Bookstore and Calamity Books 1106 N Main in Sheridan.

Ted Karam
May 4, 2023 at 7:23 pm
Excellent! As one who loves the specific history of the Bozeman Trail, a life member of the Bozeman Trail Association and frequent visitor of Fort Phil Kearney, my excitement for reading this text for a deeper understanding of the era, the people and places and their place in our collective history cannot be overstated.