SCLT Announces Two Explore History Programs

Carrie Edinger and her husband, Tom Nutter.
Although SCLT History Program Manager Carrie Edinger will be starting her new job with The Brinton Museum around the first of May there are still explore history programs coming up in May.
In a news release from Brad Bauer, Sheridan Community Land Trust Executive Director he mentioned some of the upcoming programs.
On Tuesday, May 9, from 10:30 am to 12 noon at The Hub on Smith in Sheridan there will be a program titled Iron Riders: The Great 1896-97 Bicycle Experiment.
During the 1890s, the invention of the bicycle was seen as a new symbol of personal freedom of travel for ordinary people of America without the expense of a horse, carriage, or train. The great bicycle experiment from 1896 – 97 was a US Military transportation test with the 25th Infantry Regiment from Fort Missoula, MT to St. Louis, MO and traveled through Sheridan County. Join history enthusiast and SCLT board member Todd Wold, who will guide you through the Army’s Historic Black Bicycle Corps, known as the Iron Riders, on their 1900-mile ride, the challenges of the western route and the 125th Anniversary of the ride.
On Tuesday, May 16, from 10:30 am to 12 noon at the TRVCC in Dayton for Plains Indian Music as Ceremony and Medicine, with Dr. Shane Doyle.
Shane’s engaging program “Messages from Medicine Wheel Country” was well received last spring.
SCLT is excited to bring him back to the Bighorns for this exciting program about the cultural significance of Northern Plains style songs and the dances that accompany them. RSVP for this program here
A video of this presentation is being developed through generous support from VACUTECH- An NCS Company.