Sheridan Memorial Hospital is warning the community of phone scams
4 years agoon
It has come to the attention of Sheridan Memorial Hospital that phone calls being placed to local residents, not originating from the hospital or any organization associated with Sheridan Memorial Hospital, are requesting medical information.
SMH is asking residents to be aware that these are scams. If you or anyone you know receive a call requesting medical or other personal information, please hang up. This information has already been reported to local authorities, according to the hospital.
Currently, Sheridan Memorial is aware of two incidents of these scammers contacting residents.
According to SMH, a patient was called by a scammer identifying themselves as “Lindsay from Internal Medicine” stating that Medicare is denying the patient’s recent wellness appointment and the caller requested her Medicare number. Once the patient gave her Medicare number to the caller, the caller ended the interaction and hung up.
A patient was called stating that “Shannon for Sheridan Memorial Hospital Advocacy Center” wanted to get them enrolled in Medicaid but needed personal information in order to do that. That patient hung up the phone.
If you receive a call requesting any personal information, end the call, hang up and notify the Sheridan County Sheriff’s Office at (307) 672-3455.