Sheridan Printing Grand Opening Celebration and Quiz Winners
View photos from the Sheridan Printing Grand Opening Celebration!

The team at Sheridan Printing hosted their Grand Opening Celebration on, Friday, May 14. Staff shared insights about the building, Sheridan printing products, and cooked for those who attended the event. Anyone who went to the event was encouraged to enter themselves for a chance to win door prizes.
In addition to their Grand Opening Celebration, Sheridan Printing hosted the “Sheridan Printing Quiz.” The quiz tested the knowledge of the Sheridan Printing building, the quiz taker’s printing skills, and much more. Anyone who took the quiz was entered for a chance to win one of two $500 gift certificates to Sheridan Printing. The winners were selected on May 13. Rod Altermatt and Lori Zowada were the lucky winners of the prizes.
View photos of the Sheridan Printing Grand Opening Celebration below!
Photos by Mallary Bumbaca