Elk Fire Update

Information Phone: 307-303-7642
Hours: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Information Linktree:
Elk Fire Statistics: Size: 98,352 acres | Containment: 88% | Total Personnel: 171| Location: West of Sheridan, WY
Reported: September 27, 2024 | Cause: lightning
Special Notes: Because of reduced fire threat and progress made by crews creating indirect fireline, The Bighorn National Forest closure area has been reduced to a smaller footprint. Most Forest system lands north of Highway 14 and west of Black Mountain Road 16 are now open to entry. In addition, the section of Red Grade Road from the eastern Forest boundary up to its intersection with Big Goose Road 296 will reopen Saturday, November 2 at 7am. Red Grade Road west of Big Goose Road will remain closed for the near future while heavy equipment operators continue working to create indirect fireline.
Black Mountain Road 16 remains closed between Red Grade Road and Highway 14 due to heavy equipment operations. For more details on the reduced closure, go to the Bighorn National Forest website.
Current Situation: Containment has now increased to 88 percent on the Elk Fire. The additional containment along a section of the Southwest edge above Soldier Creek, and along the northwest edge near Red Canyon Creek due to recent Snowfall.
With the snowfall ended and conditions clearing, graders have been able clear roads for equipment to access their worksites along Red Grade Road, where indirect fireline is under construction. Icy roads and accumulating snow prevented crews from reaching the area on Tuesday and Wednesday. The heavy equipment will be up and running again today, clearing trees along Red Grade Road to create current and future fire control lines to protect the Sheridan Municipal watershed and nearby structures.
Working at lower elevations less impacted by snow, the Suppression Repair group was able to make progress with projects along the front range of the Bighorns. Yesterday, firefighters with hand tools took on the challenge building water bars across a steep stretch of repaired dozer line in the eastern section of the fire area. Their work will help channel water off of the repaired line, reducing the potential for erosion. Today, firefighters will continue similar work, assisted by heavy equipment. Crews will also be repairing fences that were damaged by fire suppression activities.
Weather, Fuels, and Fire Behavior: Today over the fire will be mostly sunny with max temps from 31-37, with humidity levels around 45 percent. Winds will be out of the southwest, with occasional gusts of around 15-20 at higher elevations. Humidity levels increase tonight with a slight chance of rain.
Closures and Advisories:The modified Bighorn National Forest Closure reduces the closure area to a smaller footprint. Forest Closure Order No. 02-02-06-24-08 order and the related map can be viewed here:
Wyoming State Game and Fish is also re-opening several locations, including Amsden Creek Wildlife Habitat Management Area and the Kerns Wildlife Habitat Management Area, which will be open to non-motorized use only. This link provides more information: