Wyoming 4-H to Host Free Virtual Career Fair March 19

High school and middle school students are encouraged to hop online Tuesday, March 19, for an interactive virtual career night organized by the University of Wyoming Extension.
Hosted on Zoom, the annual event offers an opportunity for young people to interact with professionals in fields ranging from agriculture, firefighting and wildlife management to video production, tourism and exercise physiology. Participants will also receive information on postsecondary education options and financial aid.
While the career fair is organized by Wyoming 4-H educators, it is free and open to any youth who are interested in attending.
This year’s event features speakers from across the country, including YouTube personality and agricultural professional Greg Peterson of the Peterson Farm Brothers and Teffany Fegler, an Educational Opportunity Center TRIO coordinator based in Riverton.
“Sometimes we don’t know what’s out there, especially as kids,” says Washakie County 4-H educator Amber Armajo. “This gives a small glimpse of things that are out there and encourages them to explore.”
After years of organizing in-person career fairs for local youth, Armajo pivoted to offer a virtual event in 2021. The new format was a success, attracting students from across Wyoming and beyond. Last year, more than 200 participants from 26 states registered for the annual event.
“When we first started, we wanted to show kids what’s available in Wyoming,” Armajo comments. “Now we’ve broadened the scope and I think it’s fun for them.”
The 2024 career fair begins at 6 p.m. Mountain time. To register and learn more about this year’s speakers, visit
After Peterson and Fegler’s presentations, participants will have the opportunity to attend two additional presentations of their choice. The event concludes with a group wrap-up and Q&A session at 7:25 p.m.
All presentations, including those from previous years, are recorded and can be viewed at Brief bios and contact information for each speaker are also provided.
Contact Armajo at or (307) 347-3431 with questions