SCLT invites public to name a trail

Generous donors helped the Sheridan CommunityLand Trust meet their goals and The WyoGives Challenge. According to SCLT, the $10,000 pre-WyoGives match from Sarah Wallick & Aaron Denberg was met.
The Land Trust is also building a new trail that will begin at Kendrick Golf Course and connect to The Link and Kicking Horse Trails on the Soldier Ridge Trail System.
The trail will be approximately 1.25 miles. It features an internal loop that will allow users to begin and end at the golf course, as well as assist users to get to the middle of the Soldier Ridge Trail System.
According to SCLT, over time, there will be a dedicated trailhead with parking at the golf course.
Currently, this trail lacks a name. SCLT is taking suggestions from the public on names for this new trail. To suggest a name, contact SCLT Director of Marketing and Development Chris Vrba by clicking here.