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Petroleum Association Of Wyoming Releases Survey Results Regarding Oil And Gas Development

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Recently, the Petroleum Association of Wyoming released statewide polling data that shows Wyoming residents overwhelmingly support oil and gas development. 

According to the poll, conducted in February prior to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, 88% of Wyoming voters approve of oil and natural gas production in Wyoming, including 70% of voters who strongly approve. 

Oil and natural gas development has a majority approval across the state’s geographic regions, education level, age, gender and political party registration.

77% of Wyoming voters are confident that economic activities such as oil and gas exploration, grazing, timber, and mining can be compatible with recreation, hunting, fishing and preservation. 

Additionally, 51% of voters believe there are too many regulations on the oil and natural gas industry – a 19% increase from 2020.

The Wyoming Petroleum Association says Wyoming residents also recognize that the natural gas and oil industry play a vital role in the economic success, environmental sustainability, and national security of the state and nation.

About 86% of Wyoming voters feel that the instability in Russia and the Middle East reinforce the national security value of oil and natural gas production in Wyoming.

More than eight-in-ten voters believe their local economy receives a great deal (65%) or a good deal (21%) of economic benefit from drilling.

The belief that local economies receive a great deal of benefit saw strong support across demographics including a plurality of registered Democrats and self-identifying liberal voters.

Seventy-four percent (74%) of voters agree that increasing the use of natural gas is the best way to reduce carbon emissions and fight climate change without disruptions to everyday life while more than two-thirds of voters (68%) are unwilling to pay more for energy to curb climate change.

“The results of this poll show that the people of this state know the truth – that Wyoming’s natural gas and oil industry is meeting the needs of a global economy in a safe and sustainable manner,” said Pete Obermueller. “Here in Wyoming, we understand that increased domestic production is the key to tempering the impacts of global instability on petroleum markets and bringing down gas prices.”

Respondents to the poll were a representative cross-section of likely voters in Wyoming.

Fifty-two percent (52%) of respondents were women and 48% men, while political party breakdown was representative of current party registration statewide with 70% of respondents registered as Republican, 16% as Democrat and 11% as Independent/Other.

About PAW: Representing Wyoming’s primary economic engine, the Petroleum Association of Wyoming, is the voice of the oil and gas industry.

PAW members produce 90% of Wyoming’s oil and gas, generating over $5 billion in economic activity and employing more than 19,000 of Wyoming’s hard-working men and women.

PAW strives to foster mutually beneficial relationships with Wyoming’s landowners, businesses, and communities while promoting the sustainable production of Wyoming’s abundant resources. 

The Petroleum Association of Wyoming provides a forum for education, interaction, and unified action for members, policymakers, and the public.

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