Zander Cleland Of Sheridan HS To Play Soccer At South Dakota School Of Mines

One Sheridan High School Bronc soccer player has found the college that he was looking for in terms of both athletics and academics.
Zander Cleland has signed a written offer of athletic aid to compete at the South Dakota School of Mines.
The senior midfielder has been playing the game for as long as he can remember and he was impressed with the school’s mechanical engineering program.
Cleland says he reached out to Hardrockers and not the other way around.
“I reached out to them and gave them my soccer video and my highlight video, and then I went and did a practice with them and scrimmage with them, intersquad scrimmage, and after that I met with the coach and he told me that he really liked my foot skills, and ability to see what was happening around me and ability to predict and move the play forward.”
The men’s soccer season for the South Dakota School of Mines ended earlier this month.