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Clearmont Weekend Events Well Attended

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Clearmont Residents at Clear Creek Stop competing in the Corn Hole Event

In spite of a rainy and windy Friday night and Saturday, the Clearmont Three Day event was well attended.

There were seven two-person teams that competed in the corn hole tournament, with Josh Johnson and Paul Borgialli took the first place win. Only four youngsters came for the kids poker run, but they enjoyed it. Anna and Steve Switzer of the Clear Creek Stop served up a meal of smoked pork for about 30 people Saturday evening.

Steve Switzer reported that there were 6 teams on Sunday for the Horseshoe tournament, with Johnson and Borgialli again taking a first place home. “It was fun,” Switzer said.

The 19th Annual Felz jam, held at the Felz residence west of Clearmont, drew around a dozen musicians, playing guitars and a harmonica and Ukulele. “I don’t play an instrument,” Felz said. “But I like music.”

Usually the Felz Jam is on the same day as Clearmont Day, but this year the actual Clearmont Day wasn’t held. Attendence was down somewhat, due in part to weather. Still, Felz said this about the annual event.

Fran Felz and Ken Ackerson

“It was actually a two day event. We started last night, and went on into today,” Felz said. “We’re going to keep doing them,”

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