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Wyoming Business Council is seeking public comment on ARP spending

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The latest COVID-19 federal relief package – the American Rescue Plan Act (ARP) – became law in early March. The majority of the overall $1.9 trillion in assistance will be allocated as direct payments and other relief to American families with additional help available through the Small Business Administration and state and federal agencies for targeted businesses, communities and organizations affected by the ongoing pandemic.  

Wyoming was allocated approximately $1.07 billion from ARP funds. The Wyoming Business Council (WBC) and other state agencies are working closely with Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon’s office and legislators to identify the best ways to capitalize on this opportunity. Learn more.

The WBC presented a public webinar on May 19, to introduce a brief survey to capture public input on how the state can turn current challenges into future opportunities. Survey responses and other input gathered will help WBC inform policymakers as they decide how best to deploy the federal funding coming to the Cowboy State. View the webinar recording here.

According to the WBC, the American Rescue Plan (ARP) creates new possibilities for funding and resources with more than $1 billion allocated to Wyoming. The WBC wants to hear from business owners about the current challenges they are facing and what opportunities are possible with these dollars to work together to realize a more resilient and thriving future. The survey will remain open until Wednesday, May 26. To take the survey, click here.



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    Jack Livingston

    May 25, 2021 at 6:51 am

    It may be smart to put some of the government money into the “rainy day” account. The money is not “free”, as our kids, grand kids, and great-greats will be paying for this. Plan ahead for them.

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      Mike wargo

      May 25, 2021 at 3:53 pm

      A lot of good the rainy day account has done I’d say the last several years in Wyoming has been a downpour and we haven’t touched a single penny of it yet. Maybe we should take the money and try to entice more business to come here with real jobs that pay real wages this crap of $9 to $14 an hour is ridiculous in the state, I’m a state employee and even by their own admission they are under paying me by $4 an hour from the last job market survey

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