District 1 trustees consider having ‘student ambassadors’

Sheridan County School District 1 trustees are considering having “student ambassadors” serving on the school board in future meetings.
The idea was discussed at a work session of the trustees earlier this. District 1 Superintendent Pete Kilbride said the students would be non-voting members.
Kilbride said the trustees would like to have two students from each of the high schools – Big Horn and Tongue River in Dayton.
Kilbride said he would like to rotate the students every few months, to provide more students with the experience.
He said he and the board are looking at bringing the first student ambassadors on the board in November. That will provide time through September to get the school year up and running and develop criteria for the positions.
Kilbride said he likes getting students involved in government. He said he thinks this will provide a great chance for students to experience local government.