CWD test samples needed to track disease

Wyoming Game and Fish Department Public Information Specialist Christina Schmidt made an appearance on Sheridan Media’s Public Pulse to discuss the importance of hunters gathering samples for chronic wasting disease.
Chronic wasting disease (CWD) is a chronic, fatal disease of the central nervous system in mule deer, white-tailed deer, elk, and moose.
Annually, Game and Fish seek help from hunters in the fall to collect samples from mule deer and elk for CWD testing in targeted hunt areas, focusing on various herds each year.
Anyone wanting their deer, elk or moose tested can bring the head to the Sheridan office during regular business hours and Game and Fish officials will collect a sample.
C. Schmidt
Samples can be collected by the hunters themselves as well and sent into the lab. Find out how to perform your own sample collection here.
Samples can be collected by Game and Fish representatives stationed at the many hunter check stations hunters are required to stop and speak with as well.
C. Schmidt
Learn more about the risks of CWD, by clicking here.