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Clearmont Council Discusses History Happy Hour, Clearmont Day

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The Clearmont Town Council met on Monday, June 17 at 6 p.m. at Clearmont Town hall. Guest Amy Rowe of the Clearmont Community Center Foundation approached the board for a $500 contribution to Clearmont Day, which will be held on Saturday, June 22. The board approved the request and will donate $500 to the celebration.

Mayor Chris Schock, in his mayor’s report, said he had attended the WAM summer conference in Pinedale, as well as the NEWY, (North East Wyoming district of WAM) meeting for public officials. He said that Governor Gordon was at the conference, and he addressed two concerns.

The board also approved $1000 to the Clearmont Fire District for fire protection for the town.

Shock also reported on the upcoming History Happy Hour to be held in Clearmont.

Clerk Kirstie Auzqui added that it is a carry in supper, and everyone is invited to bring the beverage of their choice as well, either beer, wine, water or soft drinks.

In other business, the council approved three ordinances on the second reading.

In new business, Mayor Schock approached the board with this idea.

Schock added he would like to see a long-term renter on the lot.

The board agreed to advertise the space for rent and have the town attorney draw up the agreement.

There will be a special meeting held June 24 at six p.m. for the third reading of all the ordinances.

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