2 years agoon
cvannoyLeland (Bud) Sanders who grew up about four miles east of Clearmont, and now lives near St. George, Utah, attended the Clearmont Day Celebration on Saturday, June 24, to sign and talk about his newest book, Passaic, The Forgotten Community of Sheridan County.
The book is a Volume 11 of the Clearmont Historical Group Backward Glance Series.
When asked what gave him the idea to write the Passaic book, he gave a friend of his and the founder of the Clearmont Historical Group most of the credit.
He said that to once thriving town has been forgotten.
A member of the Clearmont Historical Group, Sanders added that the purpose of writing the books is not to make money, but to preserve the history Southeastern Sheridan County. “We sell them for a little more then the cost to print them, and the money goes towards the maintenance of our Clearmont Historical Center in Clearmont.”
He said his first book, Leiter to Littles, takes in the history from the Johnson County Line to where Clear Creek empties into the Powder River. The Ucross book, Ucross, Where the Creeks Converge and Routes Diverge, covers the history of the Ucross and Piney Creek area.
Sanders had this to say about the Passaic book,
He said that there were 363 homesteaders total in the area that he researched. There was a special section on the women homesteaders, he said that there were 76 women that homesteaders in that area, which was “Quite remarkable,” Sanders added.
This book, along with the other books in the Backward Glance Series, can be purchased at the Clearmont Historical Center.
There will be a tour of the Passaic/Otter Creek country on July 15, and there will be a Powder River Tour on Sept. 16. For details on the tours or to order books contact
Meshelle Cooper
June 25, 2023 at 12:46 pm
More great coverage – thanks Cynthia!
Hope to see you on the Passaic Tour ~