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Road Closure scheduled for I-90 Bridge Repair in Buffalo

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A damaged bridge at the Interstate 90-Highway 16 interchange in Buffalo is scheduled for repairs this week and a road closure is se to happen on Thursday, September 1, according to the Wyoming Department of Transportation.

In a release from WYDOT, they reported the bridge was damaged in July of 2021 when a high-profile truck traveling southbound on US 14/16 struck a portion of the I-90 Bridge causing damage to the structure.

The damage to the bridge resulted in needing to close the driving lane of the eastbound lane of I-90 at mile marker 58.65.

The damage included a portion of the bent cap being broken off, and severe damage to the outside girder, which is a primary support system of the bridge. Upon inspection, it was determined the passing lane of the bridge structure was sound and allowed for traffic to be detoured to the passing lane.

S&S Builders, LLC, WYDOT’s contractor on the project, has been doing preliminary work in preparation for repairing the bent cap and replacing the girder.

Removal of the girder will require the contractor to temporarily close US 14/16 on Thursday, September 1.

The new girder will be replaced within a few weeks and will require another short-term road closure at that time.

We will have more information on that closure when released by WYDOT.

The closures are scheduled to run from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

A detour will be put in place and details are listed below.

Motorists are asked to plan their travels accordingly.

The bridge repairs are scheduled to be completed by October 31, 2022.

Detour details:

Eastbound traffic from US 14/16 West wanting to access US 14/16 East will be detoured to I-90 East to the Red Hills Road Interchange Exit 63, cross under the interstate and access I-90 West to Exit 58.

Westbound traffic from US 14/16 will be detoured onto I-90 West to Exit 57 onto I-25 to Exit 299 onto Hart Street.

Detour signs will be in place throughout the project area.

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