Nationwide Teacher Shortage Addressed at Monday’s SCSD#2 Board Meeting

SCSD #2 Board of Trustees held their monthly meeting on August 8 at 6 p.m. at the Central Office.
Superintendent Scott Stults talked about the nationwide teacher shortage and the effect on Sheridan schools.
“We need to celebrate our teachers,” Stults said.

Chairman Sue Wilson commented that she would hate to see the qualifications go down for Sheridan teachers. “Our teachers are the bedrock of our kids education. We can’t afford to lower those requirements. We hope we can always get quality teachers and we should recruit the best we can find,” she said
Facilities Director Troy Decker recognized the maintenance and custodial crew for SCSD#2, three were in attendence: Leonard Davis, head custodian at Meadowlark, Bridget White, new head custodian at Woodland Park, and Matt Resser, District Technician.
Decker said that it is a privilege to lead them, and that they provide safe and educationally suitable environments in the schools. He also said the principals play a very important role as well.
Trustee Ed Fessler, who has worked for the district for 39 years said, “You can walk into any one of the buildings in the district, it doesn’t matter the age, it looks brand new. Thank you for the efforts you put forth.”
Superintendent Scott Stults said that kindergarten started today, and the principals started last week, and he talked about leadership training and positive proactive training, which is about what the school expects of the student’s behaviors.
Stults said that if the teachers expect specific behaviors from students, they should pre-teach what these behaviors are. That is what training is being provided, he added.
He said the staff and teachers have to engage the students, and build relationship with them, and added that if the student doesn’t know that the teachers and staff care, there isn’t a lot of incentive for the student to come to school.
He added that the School District #2 staff works closely with parents to reinforce the kids in making great choices. “Our focus is to build relationships,” he said
Stults said his door is always open, and he welcomes feedback from parents and students. “I welcome opportunities to receive feedback. It has one benchmark, what is best for our kids. That will continue to be the mantra. We all have an active role in the education of our kids and its going to be a great year.”
Chairman Wilson gave brief report about the old Holly Sugar greenhouses as well.

Wilson also asked about the ALICE (Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate) Active shooter training, and if they were using soft projectiles. Stults responded that they use soft, Nerf like projectiles, and sometimes just an air sound with no projectiles in the training.
In other business, Troy Decker reported the facilitates updates, including the new bleachers in the high school gym. Shawn Stevens asked the board to approve the replacement of a multipurpose vehicle and the replacement of a school bus. The board approved the purchase.
Brandon Finny reported on budget matters, including moving some monies into a 13-month CD instead of a 6-month to generate a higher rate of interest. Cindi Magee gave a Wellness Program update and Rebecca Adsit updated the board on professional development.

Mark Steingass
August 9, 2022 at 7:59 am
…an increase in pay including benefits plus a cooperative relationship with employees and you will have no worries regarding either finding nor retaining teachers…
Thomas Jones
August 9, 2022 at 8:14 am
Perhaps its a good time for parents to homeschool.