Back to School at Arvada-Clearmont

Superintendent Chase Christensen
Fall is back-to-school time. Arvada-Clearmont SCSD#3 classes will begin on August 15. New superintendent Chase Christensen talked about the upcoming school year, saying although he won’t know for sure until everyone has registered, he said that as of Friday, August 5, there were 96 students registered. Next Thursday at the open house students can come in and register. “We’ll be between 90 and 100 kids,” Christensen said. As of now there will be six seniors, he added, and said that might change as well.
Christensen said that he isn’t looking to make any big changes with Arvada-Clearmont School, and that he plans to maintain the school the way it has been going.
He added that high school students in Clearmont can earn college credits. At their last meeting, the Arvada-Clearmont School board approved the MOU, so they have concurrent and dual enrollment, where students can take courses from Sheridan College. He added that due to the distance involved, much of the college learning would take place on-line.

When asked if he fore saw any COVID-related problems in the upcoming year, Christensen said:
He added that the benefits of keeping thing sanitized helps to keep colds and flu at bay as well, and helps to keep the kids in the classrooms. He said that if a student has to learn virtually, such as in the event of a quarantine, there are several options that can be utilized.
Another topic discussed was the school safety, especially with law enforcement being at best 25 minutes away. He said that Clearmont over the years has implemented training for staff and student which has made Clearmont better prepared than most schools to keep the students safe.
He that he is looking forward to the staff and students coming back, and the student energy in the building. He added that there are four new teachers, as well as many returning teachers, and they are looking forward to returning to school and interacting with the students again.

He commented that Clearmont has a strong culture of education, and how the community supports the school very well.
As a kick-off to the new school year, on Thursday, August 11 there will an open house at the school.
He said he would like to thank Powder River Energy, who is providing the beef for the BBQ. Everyone is welcome.