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CVMA Motorcycle Rodeo
View photos of the CVMA’s Motorcycle Rodeo.

The Combat Veteran Motorcycle Association hosted their Motorcycle Rodeo on Thursday evening. The event is part of the group’s national gathering, hosted in Sheridan this year, which continues until Sunday, June 27. Motorcycle agility, water balloon throwing, and hot dog on a string eating were all parts of the gathering.
The Combat Veteran Motorcycle Association consists of Combat Veterans from all branches of the United States Armed Forces. The group rides motorcycles for recreation and hobby, and they gather once a year for the national event. The Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association is a non-profit whose mission is to protect Veterans, the individuals who have defended the United States and its people’s freedoms. According to the group’s website, the CVMA’s raised funds are donated to various veteran causes.
View photos of the Motorcycle Rodeo below.
Photos by Mallary Bumbaca