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Jackalopes Explore: Was Travis Walton Abducted?

Join The Jackalopes as they discuss the Travis Walton Abduction Mystery.

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Join The Jackalopes as they discuss the Travis Walton Abduction Mystery.

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    Mike Malmeiser

    July 7, 2023 at 7:49 pm

    I just watched the recent production “The True Story of Travis Walton” on Apple TV. The thing that really struck me about this incredible story, is how over the decades, Mr. Walton has grown as a person and a as an individual who asserts he was abducted. He was young, living in a small rural community, was a manual laborer working in forestry and had no higher education. Some would call him a typical “redneck”, as one of his co-workers who witnessed the abduction did in the video. Mr. Walton is now an articulate, obviously well-educated person who stands firm about his abduction experience. He discusses the data about possible abduction and the possible reasons alien abduction occurs. An intriguing hypothesis he puts forward is that the “visitors” are grooming humans for advances in our own growth and development as a species and to create human-alien hybrids. Certainly, the late Dr. John Mack, Harvard Psychologist and Professor David Jacobs (“The Secret Alien Agenda) who have studied the abduction phenomenon accept Travis Walton’s claims as perfectly feasible. While the event must have been horrific, terrifying and life-altering, he controlled his response to it and has developed in ways he could not fathom at the time of his experience.

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