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Free FIRESAFE Cannula Valve Kits can save lives

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Recently Sheridan experienced the death of a resident in a home fire related to home oxygen use.

Chad Brutlag, with Sheridan Fire-Rescue Department, has reached out to inform residents of a statewide Community Risk Reduction initiative to reduce these types of deaths.

According to Brutlag, in conjunction with the Wyoming State Fire Marshal’s Office, the Sheridan Fire-Rescue Department is offering O2 Cannula Thermal devices (Firesafe Cannula Valves) for free to those residents who may require one. In an effort to eliminate all Wyoming fatalities and injuries due to smoking in the presence of home medical oxygen, the department’s are reaching out to the community to have these valves in 100% of all identified homes using medical oxygen in Wyoming, by Jan. 1, 2025.

The Firesafe Cannula kit is a simple, easily installed device that will stop the flow of oxygen when it is exposed to fire, thereby reducing the risk of injury or death to you, Brutlag said. 

If you or someone you know is in need of one of these life-saving devices, contact the Sheridan Fire-Rescue Department at 307-674-7244, or go to The Wyoming State Fire Marshal’s Office website to request a free Firesafe kit.

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  1. Avatar photo

    edward capp

    January 28, 2022 at 8:36 am

    Serious question: Why in the world would you still be smoking cigarettes if you are on oxygen? And I sure hope my tax dollars are not paying for your poor life decisions.

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