School District 2 budget expected to be close to current year

Administrators of Sheridan County School District 2, the schools in Sheridan and Story Elementary, are still working on the budget for the year that starts on July 1, but Superintendent Craig Dougherty expects the total to be close to what was budgeted for this year.
In dollar terms, that’s projected to be in the $49 to 50 million range, he said. He said the education budget that passed the Legislature this year maintains a status quo position.
Dougherty said the district will continue to work with the Legislature.
Dougherty said Wyoming’s Legislature this year basically punted the funding challenges that the state faces during the current financial crisis. Overall, he said, that isn’t a good thing. But because of that, he said, the negative impact that school districts face in the coming year is flat, with no reductions in revenue.
Dougherty said legislators are considering a special session in July, to possibly consider some action for the future.
Dougherty said he thinks the state’s K-12 schools need to look at ways to be more efficient, but he also thinks that Sheridan County School District 2 is already the most efficient district in the state. He said School District 2 has the lowest amount of money per ADM of any district in Wyoming, yet the district has healthy reserves with solid salaries and benefits for staff and the best academic results.
Dougherty said the district is very pleased with its efficiencies, and added the district needs to continue to be efficient with its dollars.