A Look Back in Time: April 6, 1921

Now here’s Sheridan Media’s look back in time, to 100 years ago, by reporter Pat Blair as published in the Sheridan Enterprise newspaper on April 6, 1921.
W. S. McPherren, Sheridan chief of police, this morning was named by the Sheridan county board of commissioners as deputy sheriff, to succeed J. Ira Kirby.
A campaign is being prepared in Sheridan to launch the fight for adoption of a city manager form of government, as authorized by the last session of the state legislature.
A resolution of intention to pave West Loucks street from the Big Goose bridge west to Vale avenue, Sheridan’s present city limits, was approved in a special session of the City Council this afternoon.
Two ranchers in the Arvada country will face a preliminary trial today on a charge of arson of a ranch home in Dead Man’s Gulch.
For more lookbacks and to see the front page of today’s Sheridan Enterprise, visit