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Senator Barrasso Travels to Southern Border to See Border Crisis Firsthand

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U.S. Senator John Barrasso of Wyoming recently traveled to Texas with 17 other Republican senators to see firsthand the immigration crisis at the southern border. The senators met with Border Patrol agents, went on a midnight patrol, toured the Donna processing facility, inspected the border wall and went on a boat patrol of the Rio Grande.

Senator Barrasso
Senator Barrasso on Rio Grande Patrol (Courtesy Photo)

Senator Barrasso said the Biden administration refused to allow media access to a large majority of the trip and continues to limit access for media to key border facilities.

Senator Barrasso Tours Border on Rio Grande (Courtesy photo)



  1. Avatar photo

    Thomas Jones

    March 26, 2021 at 7:22 pm

    So he went down for a photo op to see the catastrophic crisis he helped create.

    …..and once again nothing will happen.

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    Dennis West

    March 26, 2021 at 10:10 pm

    This power hungry, status seeking shallow man is not interested in trying to work to fix the problem that thousands of people want to come here – for safety, for justice, for opportunity. Don’t trust what they say. Barrasso and his repub buddies only want to fan emotions, sabotage the current administation so they can regain power. Their only goals are power, access to money, status and self-promotion, just like their past fearless leader. Barrasso, Lummis and cronies stooped to an attempted overturning of a legitimate election, sanctioned an attack on our nation’s capital, and showed they are anti-democracy. Some patriots! Ha! Don’t trust him, don’t trust the repubs to safeguard this nation, this democratic experiment, or the rule of law. They are without integrity and without honor.
    Why don’t they work on this decades old problem with the current administration, all the Senators and Representatives to try and do something to develop responsible policies that support this country. Afterall, unless we are Native Americans, all of us immigrated to the US. And up to now, had a pretty amazing experiment going.

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      Thomas Jones

      March 29, 2021 at 10:00 am

      Fanning emotions? You do that quite well Dennis. Why is biden waving background checks for the caretakers that will become guardians for these kids? How many have been given away to sex traffickers?

      Biden’s America.

  3. Avatar photo

    Mitch Smith

    March 27, 2021 at 11:46 am

    Somebody better do something………… I see our new President isn’t going there, isn’t doing anything! At least Trump was proactive and had this CRISIS averted. Wake-up Joe!

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      Thomas Jones

      March 29, 2021 at 10:02 am

      Joe is not in charge, and never has been. He’s a puppet of the CCP and the oligarchs of the WEF.

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    mark steingass

    March 29, 2021 at 10:12 am

    I see Tom Cotton is standing next in line for his photo op too…this may be a “turning point”…after the photos are taken the boat will most likely “turn around” and head back to wherever it came from

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