4 years agoon
cvannoyThe Clearmont Town Council discussed several topics at their monthly meeting, held on Nov. 16th at 6 p.m. at town hall.
Mayor Greg Rohrer, Councilwoman Switzer and Councilwoman Betz were present, as well as Amy Vineyard, town clerk and John Kiser, town maintance man. Three visitors, Kal Tucker, Andy Patceg and Jim Delaney were also present.
Jim Delaney approached the council about the Clearmont Fire District purchasing the lot on New Your Ave and Front street, adding that the District would not tear down or move the new Veteran’s Memorial. Discussion was held.
Mayor Rohrer reported on the legislative forum that he was a part of. Senator Kinskey had talked to the mayor about a small town coalition, to help small towns when there is a shortage of funding. Mayor Rohrer is looking into the coalition. Currently, there is a $225 million dollar shortfall in non-school funding. The state currently provides $105 million in funding for Wyoming towns.
It was decided that instead of doing a Christmas dinner, that the council would have finger foods at next month’s meeting.
Amy Vineyard updated the board on the state mask mandate that will be in affect after it is approved through the state health department. The order would require Sheridan County residents and visitors to don a face mask in most public settings.
The town will put up their Christmas lights on Nov. 30th. There was discussion about a pole that supports the Christmas lights was knocked down by a truck earlier this month. John Kiser will contact WYDOT about re-setting the pole.
In other business Kal Tucker updated the bid process for the town water tank, and Andy Patceg reported on relining the town’s sewer lines this week. Subsurface Incorporated contracted the project for $32,905.00. Councilwoman Switzer moved to approve Subsurface Incorporated to re-line the sewer line. Motion seconded by Councilwoman Betz. Motion carried.
Next meeting will be Dec. 21, at 6 p.m. Meeting adjourned at 6:55.