4 years agoon
Pat BlairSheridan County Public Health and the COVID-19 Incident Management Team are urging people to continue precautions as the COVID-19 numbers rise in the county.
County public health personnel report over 100 new cases of the virus were laboratory confirmed just last week. The county is seeing COVID-19 spread among residents who don’t stay home while experiencing symptoms, often dismissing the symptoms as a common cold.
Additionally, cases continue to come from large family events or social gatherings when individuals are not wearing masks or distancing.
Sheridan County Public Health Nurse Debra Haar said people are most at risk from those they spend the most time with – their families and friends, work colleagues and extracurricular activities. Public Health Officer Dr. Ian Hunter said he understands that masks are not comfortable or convenient, but masks and social distancing are needed now more than ever as the Sheridan community is being infected at an increasing rate.
The Incident Management Team echoes the sentiments of the Wyoming Department of Health and Dr. Alexia Harrist, state health officer.
In a release this past weekend, Dr. Harrist said this is a critical time for us, as a community, to follow the recommended guidelines from the Wyoming Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
We need to stay home and away from other people when we’re experiencing any illness or symptoms, unless the contact is necessary in order to seek medical help.
We need to wear face coverings when in public or when we’re around others and unable to maintain a six-foot distance.
We need to practice good hand hygiene, clean frequently touched surfaces and get tested if we are experiencing any symptoms of the disease.
Haar said the COVID-19 virus is insidious and is affecting everyone. She said we cannot let fatigue from this global pandemic lead us to letting our guards down. She added, “If we do not continue practicing cautious behavior, it will trigger more infections.”
Haar said for Public Health to track the spread of COVID-19, it’s imperative that the community cooperates with contact tracers if they call. She asked people to please answer their phones, return phone calls and be honest if contacted by a contact tracer.
The public is encouraged to follow the guidelines outlined by the Centers for Disease Control and Wyoming Department of Public Health. These include:
Avoid close contact (within six feet) of anyone outside of your household.
Wear face coverings when out in public.
Stay home if you’re sick. Consult your physician if you’re concerned that your symptoms are outside of your normal everyday condition.
Avoid large gatherings.
Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.
Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water aren’t available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60 percent alcohol.
David Oakes
October 28, 2020 at 9:31 am
A spike in cases at the hospital with many staff in quarantine. Reports from the hospital say they are not sure what the source of contact was, but the one thing they all have in common is they work at the hospital. It is ironic to me that the place with the most stringent policies for PPE and cleaning/sanatizing protocol has the highest number of cases in Sheridan. It might be the result of higher concentrations of disease and just how contagious Covid 19 is. But it does makes me question the effectiveness of masks and social distancing in other areas of our community.