Sheridan Fire-Rescue to honor victims of 9-11

As they have done every year since 2001, Sheridan’s emergency personnel will hold a ceremony on Friday morning, Sept. 11, to honor those who died in the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attack.
Zach McLain, with Sheridan Fire and Rescue’s public education committee, explained.
McLain said because of COVID-19 restrictions, there will be some changes this year.
The ceremony will be at the fire station on Works Street and will start at 7:55 a.m. with the opening of the bay doors. Emergency personnel including Sheridan firefighters and city and county law enforcement personnel will walk onto the apron at that time.
As in years past, the chief officer will speak briefly on the reason for the assembly, and at 7:59 a.m., the time when the South Tower of the World Trade Center collapsed, the LaFrance bell will ring three sets of five chimes each.
That will be followed by a minute of silence. At 8:01 a.m., there will be a release of doves, an invocation and bagpipe music to end the ceremony.