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Dog and Cat Shelter to conduct rabies clinic

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The Dog and Cat Shelter of Sheridan will conduct a rabies clinic from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., Friday, Aug. 28. 

Pet owners should always keep your pet’s rabies vaccine up to date. According to the American Human Society, puppies and kittens should receive their first rabies vaccination at 12 weeks of age. Pets must be vaccinated again in one year, and then a three-year rabies vaccine is generally administered during the rest of your pet’s life.

During an appearance on Sheridan Meida’s Public Pulse, Dog and Cat Shelter director Jill Moriarty said rabies in Sheridan County is on the rise, generally spread through small wild animals such as racoons, skunks and bats. According to the Centers for Disease Control, some species of bat have teeth small enough that a bite may not be visually apparent but can still spread the disease. 

The rabies clinic at the Dog and Cat Shelter can be quick and convenient, with veterinarian staff meeting pet owners right at their car to conduct immunizations.

Moriarty and her team at the shelter had to devise a new plan to conduct the rabies clinics during COVID-19, she said the move has improved on efficiency due to the change in practices.

J. Moriarty

To make an appointment, visit or by calling 674-7694. 

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  1. Avatar photo

    George Buszkiewic

    May 26, 2021 at 1:09 pm

    Will Ranchester be having a client also?

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