John C. Schiffer Graduation Ceremonies Set for Saturday

Just over 20 graduates of Sheridan’s John C. Schiffer Collaborative School will receive their diplomas in graduation ceremonies at the WYO Theater at 1 p.m. Saturday.
Mike Swan, who’s principal of the alternative high school, said in keeping with COVID-19 restrictions, no more than 10 family members per student will be allowed to attend, and the school is following other social distancing protocols.
Swan said staff members will escort the families into the WYO and seat them as a group.
He said the school has mapped out seating to ensure there is plenty of space between families in compliance with social distancing.
Swan said the identity of this year’s commencement speaker is a secret at this time, in order to surprise the graduates.
Swan said 22 students will receive their diplomas this year, but one of them has chosen to not participate in the ceremonies at the WYO. Swan said this is quite a bit larger class than last year, when around 12 students graduated.