Special Exemption Resolution

A resolution regarding city initiated special exemptions for M1 properties in the City of Sheridan was an item of discussion at Monday night’s City Council study session. Sheridan Media’s Ron Richter has the details.
City of Sheridan officials are currently in the process of updating the City’s current M-1 zoning district to add heavy industrial uses to the list of uses requiring a Special Exemption by the Board of Adjustment, and creating a new M-2 zoning district that would allow for light and heavy industrial uses with no special exemption required.
When the City Council considers third and final reading of Ordinance 2287 that amends M-1 and adds an M-2 district, they will also be considering a resolution that would authorize the governing body to grant Special Exemptions to M-1 property owners with an existing heavy industrial use that would be impacted by the adoption of Ordinance 2287. City Planner Kelly Schroeder.
Schroeder said that she estimates that there are about three to five properties that would qualify for the City initiated special exemptions. Property owners with an existing heavy industrial use will have six months from the passing of the resolution to work with City staff on applying for the City-initiated Special Exemption.