Notice of Error

Sheridan County announced Wednesday a notice of error on the upcoming General Election Ballot. Sheridan Media’s Ron Richter has the details.
Sheridan County Clerk Eda Schunk Thompson has given notice that an error has occurred on the ballot for the Sheridan County General Election on November 5, 2024. The County Clerk’s Election Office made the error on the Sheridan County Conservation District Supervisors Races.
The office for the Sheridan County Conservation District Supervisors Rural Race says to vote for one. It should say vote for two. The office for the Sheridan County Conservation District Supervisors Urban Race should not have been on the ballot, as that office is not up for election this cycle. It is too late to correct these errors on the ballot. The Canvassing Board will determine if the Sheridan County Conservation District Supervisors Rural Race candidates have been elected. The Canvassing Board could declare the election results to be null and void as to that particular office and then the County Clerk will hold a special election for that particular office. These errors do not affect the outcome of any other office on the General Election Ballot. You can contact the Sheridan County Clerk’s Office with any questions at 307-675-2509

Dennis Fox
October 17, 2024 at 3:25 pm
The ballot also omitted some facts on Proposition #1:
-A vote “For” will re-impose Wyoming’s highest county Sales Tax of 6%.
-While a vote “Against” will drop our sales tax to a more affordable 5%.
Who doesn’t like Lower Taxes?
Lower Taxes Are Better.