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City of Sheridan Administrator Credentialed by International Local Government Management Organization

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City of Sheridan Administrator Stu McRae recently received the Credentialed Manager designation from ICMA, the International City/County Management Association. McRae is one of over 1,500 local government management professionals currently credentialed through the ICMA Voluntary Credentialing Program. During a recent appearance on Sheridan Media’s Public Pulse program McRae spoke about the program and designation.

city administrator stu mcrae

Sheridan Mayor Rich Bridger said McRae exemplifies the City’s commitment to high standards of integrity and lifelong learning and even though his position did not require certification, McRae has pursued advanced certifications, demonstrating his dedication to continuous professional development.  McRae is qualified by eight years of professional local government executive experience. Prior to his appointment in 2020 as Sheridan City Administrator , he served as an equivalent to a city manager/administrator in Alabama and Hawaii for the U.S. Army.

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