City Eyeing Golf Course Contracts

Kendrick Municipal Golf Course in Sheridan is governed by three contracts; the Golf Professional Contract; the Restaurant, Bar and Concession Lease Agreement; and the General Management Agreement for the golf course, which is essentially the maintenance contract for the course. Sheridan Mayor Roger Miller, at a Council study session this week, offered his thoughts on how to proceed with the golf course.
Interim City Administrator Mike Jackson said the City needs to look at taking more of a business platform approach with the golf course.
Mayor Miller said that Kendrick Golf Pro Brian James needs to be involved in the discussions moving forward.
While no decision was made, City staff is recommending that the golf course contracts be put out for a request for proposal. Another recommendation that is on the table for consideration is that the City no longer contract the maintenance to a third party, meaning that all maintenance would be handled through the City’s public works department.

judy sackett
March 25, 2020 at 10:37 am
we finally have a superintent for the golf course that knows what he is doing and he is doing a good job. leave his contract alone and fix the pro contract so the city of sher and the people dont get screwed.
Harriett Oleson
March 25, 2020 at 1:24 pm
In years past, Kendrick Golf Course was one of the BEST courses in the state. It was in very good condition, so well respected, it hosted a number of State Tournaments which bought many players to our motels and downtown. Locally Men’s league had over 100 players every Wednesday, Kendrick Club Championship and Sheridan City Tournaments over 100 entries as well. Kendrick had so many players it was hard to get a tee-time on a weekend. But all that changed about 7 years ago. Kendrick slowly became a land of dirt patchy greens and weedy fairways. Play and membership waned and so did the revenue for it’s upkeep. The City Administrator and several city councilmen who took charge in 2019 and Kendrick was saved from total decay. Many Thanks to these men and women, who saved this wonderful city asset. The current superintendent they brought to Kendrick has performed miracles. The golf professional needs to be a leader, who has the best interest of Sheridan as his primary concern. Perhaps that position should be returned from being the general manager in overall charge, to being one who works for the city. Perhaps the position should be managed by the Recreation department or a golf committee appointed by the City, like it was in the past. The present management contract HAS NOT WORKED.. I hope the Council and Mayor will consider carefully that the CITY should be in charge of the City’s Asset,. It is very sad to know what a quality, high traffic asset was Kendrick was and then to see what a cow pasture ,it had become . Kendrick is clawing it’s way back but It is Time Mr. Mayor and Council to take charge and help Kendrick back to being, one of the BEST golf courses in the state. Proper management is the Key, to success.
D'Ann Naugle
March 26, 2020 at 8:33 am
It was so sad to watch Kendrick Golf course get in such bad shape over the last few years. A once lush green beautiful course turned into dry weedy fairways and bumpy fungus filled greens. Thankfully last season someone at the city listened to member’s complaints and realized something had to be done before these long time members moved to other courses in Sheridan and Buffalo. Hiring Justin to take over the ground maintenance was the best thing that has happened in years! He has the knowledge and the desire to make Kendrick the pride of Sheridan once again. He worked miracles in just one season directing his staff the correct way to mow and maintain the fairways and greens with the new equipment the city finally provided. He also worked tirelessly to repair and improve irrigation lines that had been in disrepair for years. Just because a city employee can mow the lawn at a city park doesn’t mean he has the knowledge to maintain a complex golf course without a course manager in charge. We have taken a step forward so please keep that in mind when considering maintenance contracts. You have raised rates, and members therefore expect continued improvements in the course. Listen to your members! We all were very impressed with Justin, and the improvements he made were out standing!! Kendrick golf course is not a public park and needs to be treated in ways specific to golf course grounds management. You can’t make money for the city, if people won’t play on a cow patch course. Keep that in mind…… Let’s make Kendrick the little jewel it once was.