BPD Chief Gives Report After Absence

Buffalo Police Chief Sean Bissett, after being absent for a few meetings to have a medical procedure done, gave his report to the city council during their recent meeting.
Bissett said Fair & Rodeo week “went off without a hitch,” and that this year’s parade was “phenomenal.”
He said that there was a recent report of a domestic dispute at a local campground where a woman was strangled and assaulted and had a gun pointed at her. A man was arrested and in the course of the investigation the gun used in the assault was recovered.
There have been complaints of speeding vehicles coming down the mountain and on Carrington and DeSmet Avenues.
In traffic details within the last few weeks, officers made nearly 120 stops for speeding in the city.
During one of the stops, Bissett said officers discovered a trailer that had been stolen.
Bissett said the department was able to get the stolen property back to its rightful owner.