Sheridan Council Gets Petition for Speed Limit at Holly Ponds Drive

A petition was presented to the Sheridan City Council at their meeting this week, asking for a change in the speed limit on Holly Ponds Drive.
Don Kollekowski discussed the petition with the council, explaining the residents’ position in the matter.
Kollekowski had attended an earlier meeting, making a request of the council to place 20 m.p.h. signs on Liliac Court near his home, due to students speeding through the area after school.
Mayor Rich Bridger told Kollekowski that he would look into the problem.

Ezra Petersen
August 17, 2022 at 7:16 pm
How does Don know they are all high school kids ? I might have exceeded the speed limit on Holly Ponds Drive but I’m not in high school. It’s hard enough to dodge the people going ten under the speed limit on this town. Lower it to 20 a good chunk of the people will go 15. Too slow, I have to work still can’t be out for a Sunday drive everyday.
Jim Brock
August 17, 2022 at 9:23 pm
This is a problem throughout the City. Just today I saw a lady in a SUV with a baby in the back run a stop light and a red light. (No emergency as she stoped at several other signs/lights) Another 50mph speeder on Coffeen with a Thin Blue Line sticker. Not a day goes by that I don’t see someone run a stop sign right in front of me.
Cathy Knuckles
August 18, 2022 at 10:11 am
Driving on the road by College where it is suppose to be 40 and turns into one lane. A lot of speeding with people trying to cut off the next person to get in. Just scary.
Darrell Bonnet
August 18, 2022 at 1:06 pm
The speed limit shoild be changed on east Park St. also.To many people come down the hill speeding. The speed limit should be lowered to 20 miles an hour not only here but on the residentual streets.
Jerry Lewis
August 18, 2022 at 2:23 pm
I guess he’s qualified to operate a radar gun and is doing that, unless he’s just guessing peoples speed. Interesting.