Game and Fish open Antelope applications for organizations

The Wyoming Game and Fish Department has opened applications for organizations to apply for Antelope Hunt Event licenses.
The Game and Fish follow the Wyoming State Statutes and provide up to 160 licenses to be available for up to two antelope hunt events each year. Antelope Hunt Events licenses are offered to organizations for up to a three-year period.
Organizations can submit applications to the department from Aug. 1- 31. The application can be downloaded from the Game and Fish website, here. Game and Fish requires that applicants detail hunt areas and license types, number of licenses requested, their history, background and mission as well as their financial plan to benefit wildlife, conservation and the community with funds raised from the antelope hunt event.
Submitted applications will be brought before the Wyoming Game and Fish Commission for consideration at the November 2022 meeting. The Commission may revoke an organization’s opportunity to receive Antelope Hunt Event licenses if any information provided on their application is incorrect or is no longer valid.
Full details on Antelope Hunt Event licenses can be found in Chap. 44 – section 5, available here.